jMP3是一个采用jQuery开发的JavaScript MP3插放器,提供一种可以在页面上直接播放MP3的简便方式,效果如下源代码和API中文配置如下,修复了一个大小写不区分的bug/**** jMP3 v0.2.1 - 10.10.2006 (w/Eolas fix jQuery object replacement)* an MP3 Player jQuery Plugin (* by Sean O** An easy way ma..
json2.js可以将json对象转序列化为对应的字符串,也可以将json格式的字符串转换为json对象json.js使用API文档如下This file creates a global JSON object containing two methods: stringify and parse. JSON.stringify(value, replacer, space) value any JavaScript value, usually an object or array. replacer an optional parameter tha..
jquery.form.js 3.28最新下载和API,jquery版本需要jQuery v1.5+以上。 jquery.form.js API文档Form Plugin APIThe Form Plugin API provides several methods that allow you to easily manage form data and form submission.ajaxFormPrepares a form to be submitted via AJAX by adding all of the necessary event listeners. It do..
一个JavaScript绘图类库jsDraw,兼容IE和其他主流浏览器。来源: jsDraw类库使用APIDocumentation of jsDraw2D Javascript 2D Graphics Library jsDraw2D is a Javascript library to draw 2D graphics on web pages inside web browser. The library is entirely written in Javascript..
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imageflow下载最新版本1.3.0下载,javascript相册展示效果,效果图如下imageflow使用说明文档API配置如下DocumentationIntroductionImageFlow is an object-oriented script, that means you can create many instances of it on one website. With multiple instances comes the whish to customize each instance differently. This can easil..
ajaxfileupload asp.ne下载,服务器端由php修改为asp.net的ashx了。 使用说明This is a hacked version of Ajaxupload plugin created by, which is really good enought for normal use.In this hacked version, it submits the specified file type of input element only, so we don't bother with extra form to use ..
2012-10-10更新:修正了和jquery序列化对象为键值对的循环调用冲突问题,具体参考:json.js与jquery冲突too much recursion/Stack Overflow。实际上说应该主要bug部分是json.js,因为即使没有导入jquery,当调用window.toJSONString时就会出现循环递归调用window.toJSONString方法导致堆栈溢出。 最新Json.js文件下载,json.js将JavaScript对..