php文件上传时提示File upload error - unable to create a temporary file in Unknown on line 0错误(系统环境:window2003+IIS6+FastCGI+PHP5.3.4),出现这个错误是因为php上传的文件先保存到临时目录中,然后再从临时目录拷贝到目标目录去,如果临时目录没有网站用户写入权限就会报错。 不是搞php,不懂php默认上传路径在哪里(有人..
window2003+IIS搭建好php运行环境后访问phpmyadmin系统,出现错误phpMyAdmin - ErrorCannot start session without errors, please check errors given in your PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHP installation properly. Also ensure that cookies are enabled in your browser. 出现这个错误一般是php用于保存sess..
windows2003系统+IIS6,访问php文件报错FastCGI ErrorThe FastCGI Handler was unable to process the request.Error Details:Error Number: 193 (0x800700c1).Error Description: Unknown ErrorHTTP Error 500 - Server Error.Internet Information Services (IIS) 网上找了下说是PHP5.5开始,已不支持xp和win2003上运行了。win2003上只..
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相关文章Windows7 + Apache + MySql5 + PHP5 + PhpMyAdmin 安装与环境配置Apache2.2提示Cannot load php5apache2_2.dll into server apache-conf-Invalid command 'PHPIniDir', perhaps misspelled解决方案apache Could not reliably determine the server‘s fully qualified domain nameApache NameVirtualHost *:80 has no VirtualHosts ..
相关文章Windows7 + Apache + MySql5 + PHP5 + PhpMyAdmin 安装与环境配置Apache2.2提示Cannot load php5apache2_2.dll into server apache-conf-Invalid command 'PHPIniDir', perhaps misspelled解决方案apache Could not reliably determine the server‘s fully qualified domain nameApache NameVirtualHost *:80 has no VirtualHosts 先说..
在字符'表示方法,mssql用''代表一个',而mysql可以使用''或者\'代表一个'set类型:可以包含最多64项,如果插入不属于set集合中的值时会自动去处;如果插入了重复的值时也会自动去掉重复项EG: create table data(fieldSet set('A','B'));insert into data values('c'); ==则插入的为空,应为不在set('A','B')中insert into data values('A,A,B..